Child Safe Standards

Our Commitment to Child safety :

The safety and well being of children will always be our first priority; it is fundamental to their ability to learn and develop.

We are committed to the participation and empowerment of all children.

We support and respect all children and uphold their rights to feel safe and be safe at all times.

We are committed to an environment for children to have their voices heard in regards to decisions that affect them.

We have zero tolerance of any abuse or maltreatment of children. We are committed to ensuring children and young people are able to actively participate in decisions that affect their lives. We understand our legal obligations to treat any child safety concerns seriously.

We are committed to the cultural safety of all children including Aboriginal children, children from culturally and/or linguistically diverse backgrounds (CALD) those who are unable to live at home, children with a disability and/or children from sexuality and diverse gender groups(LGBTQIA+).

We have a commitment to managing both physical and online environments to keep children safe through governance, systems and processes.

This statement provides the framework for the organisational approach to complying with best practice by aligning with the Victorian Child Safe Standards in conjunction with the guiding National Principles for Child Safety.


WWCC are required for all parents, carers, visitors and contractors who visit our kindergarten.